For Professionals




WCDAS hosts on-line introductions to the service every three months to give an overview of treatment, basic drug and alcohol information and harm-minimisation advice including training on Naloxone. The sessions are on Monday mornings and last for two and half hours  They are led by senior members of the team and there is plenty of opportunities to ask questions. Please contact the service to book your place.


The dates for 2022 are:


7th of February

9th of May

8th of August

7th of November



Many of the people we work with are also receiving support from other agencies and teams, such as mental health services, pain clinics and through his or her GP.  The team at WCDAS are able to liaise with such services and provide information, advice and attend professional meetings.


Please contact the Service either by telephone or email if you would like to speak to one of the Team.


Potential clients attend the drop-in which occur each weekday morning from 9am to 11.30am (apart from Wednesdays).  Alternatively, you can send the referral form below.


On Thursdays we operate a ‘women only’ service.