Everyone’s situation is different and so the treatment journey is tailored to the person’s needs and situation.


Although the way we help you at the moment is different, the Service is still here to help.


Our key priority is keeping you safe. As the situation changes, we will regularly update the site.


You can contact us on 020 3228 1777 and by email at WCDAS-referrals@slam.nhs.uk




During the initial assessment, we will have an open conversation about your current situation and substance use. Together, we will begin to identify goals and think about what your treatment journey will entail.  This first meeting will cover various topics such as:

  • Your contact details such as your address, phone number, who you live with, if you work, etc
  • Your health, both physical and mental health
  • What we do with the information we collect and how we manage confidential information.
  • Any previous experiences of treatment; what did and didn’t work.

Together with a recovery worker, you’ll put together a care plan and may be offered a medical check-up with a clinician.


All clients can have access to ‘Breaking Free Online’. Please ask your Key Worker for an access code.



After this first meeting, you will be allocated to a key-worker who will work with you to develop these initial goals into a ‘care plan’ and map out the steps and ways we can support your aim. You and your key-worker will regularly meet and they will offer emotional support and help you understand some of the causes and challenges linked to your drug and alcohol use. This may include involving other members of the wider team, such as:

  • Men’s, women’s, cannabis and or benzodiazepine group.
  • One-to-one support from a psychologist or counsellor.
  • Appointments with a nurse or doctor about your physical health.
  • A peer mentor to give extra support between key working sessions.
  • Specialist staff to support with education, training and employment (‘ETE’).
  • The day programme for therapeutic groups

Looking after your physical and mental health


We know how important it is to recognise that people who abuse drugs and alcohol often have difficulties with their physical and mental health.


Clients accessing drug treatment at our service are offered testing for Hep B, Hep C and HIV as well as treatment for Hep C and vaccination for Hep B.


Blood borne viruses (BBVs) can cause poor health and can lead to disease and premature death. Numbers of those infected with BBVs are high among people with drug use disorders, specifically with those who inject drugs.


Testing and vaccination are paramount in preventing the transmission of BBVs. Testing should not be performed only once, it should be repeated when necessary, as a person’s situation may change and risk around infection may increase.


Those with drug use disorders who are vaccinated against Hep B should receive the full course, which consists of 3 injections of the vaccine over a period of 4-6 months.

Needle Exchange


Our needle and syringe exchange scheme provides injecting drug users access to sterile needles, syringes and other equipment and the safe disposal of used needles and syringes.


The service promotes health protection for IV drug users, aiming to reduce the risk of passing on infections to others.


Staff at our sites can provide advice and information about injectable drugs. We encourage clients to be honest about what they are using and will ensure that the right equipment is given. Staff are also happy to discuss injecting practices and any concerns or questions there may be in relation to it.


Needle and syringe exchange is available through selected pharmacies and drug treatment agencies displaying the  needle exchange logo.