Help in a crisis

If it’s an emergency or you don’t think you can keep yourself safe then call 999 or go to the local Accident and Emergency (A and E) department.


In Wandsworth, St Georges Hospital is the main site.


If you need urgent help but you don’t want or need to go to A&E:


  • Call the Samaritans on 116 123 (free, open 24/7)
  • If you or someone you know needs urgent care but it’s not life-threatening, call 111.
  • Call the mental health crisis line for South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust
  • If you already have a Crisis Line number, give them a call.
  • Contact your GP surgery and ask for an emergency appointment.
  • Find helpline numbers for Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous.


Narcotics Anonymous – Support anyone with a problem with drugs.  Helpline is 10am to midnight everyday. Call 0300 999 1212.


Alcoholics Anonymous – Support anyone with difficulties with alcohol.  Helpline is 10am to 10pm everyday.  Call 0800917 7650.


Cocaine Anonymous- Supports people who have problems with cocaine.  Helpline is 10am to 10pm everyday.  Call 0800 612 0225.


Drugfam – Provide support for family, friends and partners who are affected by someone’s difficulties with substances.  Helpline is open 9am to 9pm everyday.  Call 0300 888 3853.